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10 Contoh Soal UTBK SNBT Literasi Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya, Persiapan sebelum Ujian! - Kamis, 28 Maret 2024 | 16:45 WIB

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Contoh Soal UTBK-SNBT 2024 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

Contoh soal UTBK SNBT 2024 literasi bahasa Inggris lengkap jawabannya yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi belajar untuk ujian. (Foto:

Penulis : Rury Pramesti
Editor : Rury Pramesti

JAKARTA, TERASJAKARTA.ID - Berikut adalah contoh soal UTBK SNBT 2024 literasi bahasa Inggris lengkap jawabannya yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi belajar untuk ujian.

Perlu diketahui, SNBT merupakan jalur seleksi masuk perguruan tinggi negeri menggunakan hasil ujian tulis berbasis komputer atau UTBK.

Diketahui, Kemdikbud telah umumkan jadwal seleksi UTBK-SNBT yang akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2024.

Baca Juga : 10 Contoh Soal UTBK SNBT 2024 Penalaran Umum dan Kunci Jawabannya, Referensi Belajar untuk Ujian!

Karena itu, sebelum menghadapi UTBK-SNBT 2024 ini, ada baiknya peserta perlu berlatih untuk mengerjakan soal-soal dengan kisi-kisi yang ada.

Sebagai informasi, UTBK-SNBT 2024 ini mempunyai 7 subtes yang asalnya dari 3 materi umum, yakni TPS (Tes Potensi Skolastik), literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia serta penalaran Matematika.

Untuk model soal SNBT 2024 ini akan berbeda dari tahun yang sebelumnya.

Karena, tidak hanya ada pilihan ganda dalam soal UTBK SNBT 2024, namun juga terdapat soal isian singkat.

Baca Juga : Bocoran Contoh Soal UTBK-SNBT 2024 Materi Pemahaman Umum dan Pengetahuan, Lengkap dengan Jawabannya!

10 Contoh Soal UTBK SNBT Literasi Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya

Nah, berikut ini adalah contoh soal UTBK SNBT 2024 literasi bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya, antara lain:

You have invited your frien over for dinner. Your child sees your friend reach for some cookies and says,” Better not take those, or you’ll get even bigger.” You’re embarassed that your child could speak so rudely. However, you should consider that your child may not know how to use the language appropriately in social situation and did not mean harm by the comment.

An individual may say word clearly and use long, complex sentences with correct grammar, but still have a communication problem if he or she has not mastered the rule of social language known as pragmatics. Adults may also have difficulty with pragmatics, for example, as a result of a brain injury or stroke.

An individual with pragmatic problems may say inappropriate or unrelated things during conversations, tell stories in a disorganized way, or have little variety in language use. It is not unususal to have pragmatic problems in only a few situations. However, if problems in social language use occur often and seem inappropriate considering the child’s age, a pragmatic disorder may exist.

1. The organization of the text is ....

A. comparison
B. problem solving
C. paradox
D. exposition

Jawaban: D

2. The word “embarassed” in the text is closest in meaning to ....

A. awkard
B. happy
C. proud
D. fast

Jawaban: A

3. The topic of the paragraph is ...

A. pragmatic disorders
B. inappropriate politics
C. logics
D. incorrect grammar

Jawaban: A

4. The restatement of the last sentence of the passage is that ....

A. vocabulary is basic in grammar
B. language problems are essentially satiric
C. pragmatic disorders always exist as a single entity
D. problems such as vocabulary and grammar frequently come along with pragmatic disorders

Jawaban: D

Stretching more than 2.300 kilometers along Queensland's coastline and covering 35 million hectares, the Great Barrier is the world's largest coral reef, and probably the richest. More than 1.500 species of fish, 4.000 species of mollusks, 400 species of sponge and 300 species of hard

Corals Live Here

The reef is Queensland's first world heritage area. It is very importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with significant cultural sites on many of its islands.

The reef is very important in other ways. The World Heritage Area is worth some $5.4 billion to the Australian economy. As many as $3.5 billion of that amount goes into the local towns and communities bordering the reef.

Recent research published by the Australian Institute of Marine Science has found two primary factors that have caused a very significant decline in coral cover over the last 30 years or so. They are extreme weather and the crown-of-thorns starfish. The same research is telling us that coral cover north of Cook town is generally stable, but the southern area is experiencing major losses.

The reef's complexities are well described in the 2013 Scientific Consensus Statement. This science contributed to the updated Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan).

The plan is a state and federal initiative designed to stop and reverse the decline in reef water quality. The consensus statement confirms that the major cause of coral cover loss is extreme weather events, such as cyclones.

Clearly, we are not able to influence such events. The second Great Barrier Reef Report Card confirms that management change and water quality improvements are tracking positively, but more needs to be done. 

The report was released in July 2013 and based on 2011 Paddock to Reef Monitoring Program data. The Queensland and Australian governments, together with industry, regional bodies, and conservation groups, will continue working hard to maintain progress towards Reef Plan targets. We want to be sure that the reef has the best possible opportunity to recover from cyclone damage and crown-of-thorns starfish attacks.

5. The sentence This sentence means.......

A. the Great Barrier Reef is future legacy of the Queensland people
B. optimum exploration of the reef should benefit the Queensland government
C. coral reef should be preserved for the purpose of the future legacy
D. preserving the Great Barrier Reef becomes the world's responsibility

Jawaban: A

6. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The Great Barrier Reef is under the threat of nature.
B. Australian economy is attracted by cyclone and starfish.
C. The other main resource influencing the reef is seawater quality.
D. Scientists expect the reef has the power to recover naturally.

Jawaban: A

7. In presenting the ideas, the author starts by.........

A. stating the current problem faced by the reef
B. explaining the status of the Great Barrier Reef
C. describing the landscape of the Great Barrier Reef
D. detailing demography and value of the reef

Jawaban: C


An actor creates and performs a character by using cognitive empathy or Theory of Mind (ToM). It is the ability to represent others’ mental states. ToM plays a critical role in understanding and navigating social situations. Reflection into the character's mental life depends on the actor’s approach to character performance. This may be an important part of the character-creation process. This process involves the exploration of the history, motivations, beliefs, and values of the character. This exploration often goes well beyond the information contained within the script. In other words, for many actors, creating a character involves a complex application of ToM, which includes several brain regions such as the temporoparietal junction and posterior cingulate/precuneus.

The temporoparietal junction works in processing and judgments of self and others. According to some studies, overcoming self–other interference and ToM is a deeply integrated process. Findings show that simulating others has been shown to influence self-knowledge. In this simulation, trait and memory measures become similar to a simulated other after adopting their perspective. Some brain regions are deactivated when trained actors use the first-person fictional perspective of a character to answer questions. This is in contrast to a situation when actors answered questions from their own perspective. It suggests that acting may involve the suppression of self-processing.

(Adapted from

According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress their everyday self. This implies that theatre training may have a big impact on the fundamental mechanisms of the human brain. Researchers in this study worked in collaboration with Flute Theatre. They created and delivered interactive productions of Shakespeare for autistic individuals and their families. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method.

The team used wearable brain imaging technologies and physiological measurement devices. They were first introduced at UCL's Department of Biomedical Engineering. Both devices were used to evaluate the brain activity of actors as they rehearsed scenes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is usually associated with self-awareness. The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who were tested when rehearsing several times over a week. Meanwhile, when the performers were not in acting conditions, they responded normally to hearing their own name.

According to the lead researcher, this is the first time that neuroscientists have been able to record brain activity in actors as they perform a role. We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.

8. According to Text 1, cognitive empathy or ToM...

A. is an important skill for actors to supress themselves to create a new character
B. explores history, motivations, beliefs and values of a new character
D. is a simulation implemented by actors to answer questions from others’ perspectives
E. deactivates an actor’s brain regions to process information contained within a script

Jawaban: A

9. The italicized word “They” in Text 2 Paragraph 1 refers to ….

A. actors
B. researchers
C. interactive productions
D. autistic individuals

Jawaban: C

10. Which of the following sentences from Text 2 is an opinion?

A. According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress their everyday self.
B. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method.
C. The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain.
D. We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.

Jawaban: D

Itu dia sederet informasi mengenai contoh soal UTBK SNBT literasi bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi belajar.

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